

Considered Ideas

Rejected Ideas

DX3 - Drowsiness Detector and Preventor

 This idea was considered as I wanted to use Artificial Intelligence to help improve everyday lives and this is a highly useful idea for a common problem. However, opinions disagreed on the focus of the project as I thought it was too narrowly focused on only drowsiness and prevention of such as well as being hard to publish requiring physical harcware to complete which is impossible to give to the general public in our current situation. As I wanted to work on a project that has a chance to be shared with humanity, I decided to leave this idea.

FreeCash - Stock Trading Artificial Intelligence

 This idea was considered as this was another idea that uses Artificial Intelligence to solve problems. However, the idea has a lot of competition with multiple big companies as it is a highly common idea and would be hard to implement to work successfully. The idea targets less of the general public and more of the experts, leading to requirement of a higher funcioning AI and higher difficulty in publication and marketing. The success of the project is unpredictable and due to the risk associated with the project for a minimal audience, I decided to leave this idea.

Restaurant Picker - Choosing for a Group

 This idea was considered as this is a highly common idea and easily marketable for the general public, making the benefit towards humanity clearer. However, the project lacks with a clear solution as it is difficult to find a restraunt that satisfies everyone's needs and most people would rather use the already commonly built in category feature to find a close restraunt. Due to these issues, I decided to leave this idea.

Smartshop - Filtering Clothes

 This idea was considered as this was another idea that uses Artificial Intelligence to solve problems. However, this can be a difficult idea to implement as the Ai required to solve this would have to be highly advanced and would require a lot of data to train. Competition already exists with this idea that is already targeted towards the general public, causing the project to be difficult to publish and market. Due to these issues, I decided to leave this idea.

ShelterSafe - Disaster Helping Application

 This idea was considered as this can greatly benefit humanity and can be easily marketed to the general public. However, the project is difficult to publish as it requires a lot of cooperation from multiple agencies which would be hard to get, therefore making the idea not feasible for the long run. Due to the scope required in this project, I decided to leave this idea.

School Website - School Services

 This idea was considered due to being one of the most easily marketable and high possibility of success in publishing and users. However, the project doesn't have much demand as the school website and club websites already exist and are already used by the general public. As multiple school websites has already been created in the past, I decided to leave this idea.

School Safety - RFID Scanners for ID

 This idea was considered as there is a high chance it can be adopted by the school and therefore be published. However, in order for the project to be completed, it would require large funds for the hardware and there is little software, causing it to be limited to only this school. Due to the limiations for branching out to other schools and therfore benefiting humanity more, I decided to leave this idea.

Code Converter - Swift to C++

 This idea was considered as if successful, this can be a very useful tool for developers. However, the project is almost impossible with are current skill and knowledge to be able to do effectively as code converters are incredibly hard to optimize. As it is highly likely this project may not be able to be published, I decided to leave this idea.

Foob - Recipe Maker

 This idea was considered as this is a great solution to solve the common problem of making food. The idea is unique compared to the competitiors who provide you with the ingredients while this would use what ingredients you already have. However, this can be a difficult project to implement, making it hard to become successful enough to publish and market. Therefore, I decided to leave this idea.

Final Idea - Simple AI Generator

The idea we eventually settled on is creating an application to allow users to generate Artificial Intelligence based on simple parameters. This follows along the path of using AI to help the general public. Despite having high competition, this doesn't target the experts of the community but instead the beginners who want to learn and create basic AI. This opens up the possibility of having more beginner programmers use AI in various programs without the complexity of large AI libraries, allowing both them and the general public to learn and reap the benefits of AI.