

AI Based Stock Prediction

Learning Artificial Intelligence

 Modern AI can accomplish incredible feats such as detecting cancer in patients with DNA information, predicting what advertisements a user is most likely to click on, and generating images based on prompts. Most internet users understand the impressive and growing power of AI, but few understand how AI actually works. Our website will allow users to create their own neural network by specifying its structure, tuning its hyperparameters, and studying the results through performance on popular internet games. For example, a user could create a deep neural network to achieve a high score in Google's Dinosaur Game, using the distance to the nearest obstacle as input and clicks as output. As the network trains, the user will be able to see how the AI improves through the in-game score. The user can also experiment with different AI models (e.g. reinforcement learning and evolutionary) to see which is most effective.

Selected Team

  • Gautam Narayan
  • Jakob McPherson